Hey Guys...
So... I'm rather ashamed of myself =/. I haven't really written anything lately that's been remotely interesting, and for that I give my deepest apologize.
On to more interesting notes, I learned today that Blogger does NOT work in China due to the Great Chinese Firewall (Aka Golden Shield Project) that has been installed in China since 1998.
My plan for my China trip was to put up a post, as often as I could, pertaining to my experiences in China. Due to this inconvenience, though, I'll be unable to actually put up any posts on blogger during my stay. I DO, however, have a solution.
I've created a Tumblr blog which, I checked, works in China. (If you wanna check what sites work and don't work, go check out greatfirewallofchina.org).
This will be a blog mostly consisting as a sort of online diary of my adventures in China from June 27th through August 3rd, 2011.
I'll be updating this as often as I can, but it's sometimes difficult to get internet connection in China.
So the Tumblr account is exactly the same URL as this site, but instead of blogspot, it's tumblr. china-and-the-girl.tumblr.com).
I hope you enjoy the new semi-blog =D
♪o⦅^∇^⦆o☆ ~珊珊
p.s. I was bored, so I make a picture that's now the new favicon (the little picture by this blogs tab) =) Here the bigger version with text
Tell me what you think about it xD!