Dec 2, 2010

The HSK Test of Doom

So, on December 12th, 2010 I get to have the honor of going and taking the infamous HSK Test (though... adding test at the end of HSK... kind of repetitive, but meh, deal with it!)

HSK stands for 汉语水平考试 or Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, and for those of you who don't know what the heck I'm talking about, here's the official wiki definition:
The HSK is the People's Republic of China's only standardized test of Standard Mandarin Chinese proficiency for non-native speakers, namely foreign students, overseas Chinese, and members of ethnic minority groups in China. It is also known as the "Chinese Proficiency Test".
Always, back to the point of this, I've been studying my Chinese text book like a maniac! I'm pretty sure my brain isn't happy with all of this 语法 and  生词!!! It's pretty much the empitatomy of insanity... but I have my reasons for taking it.

I really want to see how well I am in Chinese. I feel like if I get a high score, then the last three years of taking chinese really did pay off :) Also, if I get a high enough score, I might get scholarships to go to different schools in China (My plan is to go and do a gap year, which is where after senior year and before your first year of college you go and travel to another country for a year! Sounds awesome, right?! But They are kind of expensive, so scholarships are amazing anyways!!

Personal, all that I really hope is to get a good grade on it~~ If I do, I'm going to be quite a happy girl ^-^

Well, I'm going to go study... more... gah....



P.S. Hurray for my first official post. I feel like this is going to be a fun undertaking. Starting a true blog that is~


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