Jan 10, 2011

Snow Day To-Do List

As you've probably already figured out, today was a Snow Day. One of those oh so rare days where school is cancelled, and it's like a free Me Day. And, on these mericle days, there are a few things that must be done, or else the day is just not complete.

#1: You must sleep in as long as possible. Granted, you've probably been awake all night studying or doing homework that you have procrastinated on all weekend, or it could be that you stayed up half the night practically raping the refresh button on the school closure website and are exhausted anyways, but a good, disgustingly long sleep is the first thing that is needed to start your perfect snow day. Keep in mind though that, unless this Snow Day is on a Friday, don't sleep in too long, or else you're not going to be able to go back to sleep at a decent time.

#2: Pigging out. Who doesn't like the idea of eating a crap load of junk food when you're stuck inside all day long? Chocolate, ice cream, a mountain of  Fiber One bars! Blissful. You have the whole day practically to yourself, so enjoy it. Don't let this opportunity go to waste! Though, don't eat so much that it makes you sick. We don't want to have to be making several trips to the bathroom because of over eating, now do we?

#3: Movies! Movies are a must!! Curling up in your favorite chair with your purple fuzzy blanket, eating your high calorie foods, and watching your favorite genre of movie for hours on end with the help of Netflix. I personally love watching foreign (and non-foreign) romantic comedies. Today's movies were Buddy (a Norwegian film), About a Boy (a British film), and Wake (an American film). Out of those three movies, Buddy is my number one favorite of the day, then About a Boy, then Wake.

#4: This is the most important one by far. Just have fun! Do whatever you want to (as long as it's socially and legally legal). Make a nice fire, curl up and read a book, take a relaxing bubble bath while listening to Andre Bocelli! Remeber, this is Me Day, so make the most of it

Hope you liked my To-do list ;D Go forth and enjoy your Me Day~

♪o⦅^∇^⦆o☆ ~珊珊


Sarah said... Reply to comment


Me disculpo por mi español malo, pero sí. Sería un honor ser parte de altabloggers. Mi blog no está escrito en español sin embargo. ¿Sería eso un problema?

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