So... I'm going to blant some more about my insane Chinese teacher =) I quite enjoy this pastime~~ okay... I shouldn't say crazy... more like misunderstood. Don't get me wrong, my 老师 is an awesome teacher. She teacher well, and if you pay attention and do all of the homework, it's actually not that hard. The only problem that I have with my teacher is what I like the call the 老师 Affect...
She has this really bad habit of making things seem a lot worst then they are suppose to... I, just last Thursday, got my first look into the perplexing and sometimes terrifying world of the 老师 Affect. So we had a test on Thursday (which kind of ticked me off a little bit because I'm an IS student so I'm on like chapter 22 already, while all the normal students I share a classroom with are just finishing up chapter 15, yet she STILL making me take those insane tests...). About, oh, 10 minutes before she hands of the test, she's like, oh yeah, on a side note, you needed to have every single character memorized, which I never bothered to tell you, and is something we've never done in the class anymore....... WHAT THE HECK!!!!! Okay, so I know I probably should already know how to write all of the characters... but we've never EVER in three years of taking her class been banned from using Pinyin (the letter version of the characters)... So this was terrifying, so I had to borrow someone else's Chinese book (because lesson 22 is in a different book) and frantically use up about 3 pages of my math notebook to practice writing characters over... and over... and over again...
Then she finally hands out the test... and it's easy as pie =.= no joke... probably one of the easiest tests I've ever taken in that class.... They are really simple questions like, does Wang Peng have a cold.... then you just answer YES! Wang Peng DOES have a cold! I know this because it said right in the title of the three paragraph dialogue and on line one that Want Peng has a cold... thank you for asking us the most obvious question you could possibly come up with... *sigh* Why 老师...? ...Why?
Oh, but this isn't my last glimpse of the 老师 Affect... Just yesterday, I got a chance to ask her how I did on the test... Do you know what the first thing she says to me is?? You do good, but not good enough... W....T...F... @.@ The first thing that starts running through my head is 'Omg Omg Omg I failed the test!!! I totally got like a C or a B and she's gonna be all pissy with me cause I'm an IS student and suppose to get all A's OMG OMG OMF-ingG!!!!!'. So class starts and she passes back all of the tests... she hands me my test upside down and is shaking her head as she gives it to me... I flip it over... and I had gotten a 94%............. =.= Thanks 老师.... way to make me almost soil my underwear with fear!!!! Apparently she was disappointed because I didn't read two of the multiple choice answers fully and didn't notice that one said 我 (me or I) and one said 你 (you)... Also I wrote the character 病 wrong because I added an extra line by mistake a couple times... I did really well other then that...
I'm kind of nervous as to what 老师 is gonna pull out of her hat the next time we have a test.... oh god... scary... scary thought... she's probably going to be like, "Okay, so I want you to memorize every single Chinese radical, and be able to tell me how they are pronounced and what they mean, then tell me all the character strokes in Chinese will playing singing the theme song to Full House in Chinese and balancing a 2 legged chair and doing calligraphy.... Wouldn't.... be.... surprised....
(I promise you, I don't hate my 老师 in any way, shape, or form. She's actually my favorite teacher and is a really sweet lady... just... sometimes... some of the things she does just pluck at my most sensitive nerves... * proceeds to bang head on desk while memorizing how to write chapter 16 characters... just in case...)
♪o⦅^∇^⦆o☆ ~珊珊
P.S. Okay... looking back at that title... That's actually can be taken extremely creepily... @.@
And for those of you that never caught on to it 老师 means teacher in Chinese =)
may be shes just like to see you people sweat a lil :) ..
does chinese teachers study psychology ??? :P
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