Jun 8, 2011

Leaving You Guys with a Question

Hey guys!!

Again I'm sorry for not posting anything for what seems like the last decade, butthisblog has been the last thing on my mind fir a while. Since I have sone time at the moment I've decided to post a question for you guys, but here's a little background info I've found.

In china, there's a policy set up called the 户口 or Hukou System. What this system does is splits the Chinese populous into two different sections based on where they were born. These two systems are the Rural people and the Urban people. These two differet collections of people get different benefits. For example, the Urban people are allowed higher paying nobs, better health care, and better educations. In short, they recieve a lot more benefits the. Their Rural counter parts.

Now, the big issue with this system is that, people aren't allowed to change what section their are in. So, if someone who what born in Rural China moved to, say, Shanghai, they are still considered Rural people. Their children don't go to the same schools as Urban children, their parents can get as good of jobs, and they are forced to live in poor living conditions.

Now, what my question is, is What is wrong with this picture?! Why would the Chinese government make this kind of policy? Now, I swear this question isn't just come out of thin air. I'm actually writing a 4,000 word Extended Essay for IB on this topic (focusing on more of the educational aspect rather then the jobs or living conditions) and kind of want the opinions of people all around the world =)

And as a final note, I'm leaving for Beijing in 19 days!!! I'm so excited xD and if I can I'll be getting onto my tumbler account as much as I can =)

♪o⦅^∇^⦆o☆ ~珊珊


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